July 27-2019-Tsuu T’ina Nation Pow Wow – Calgary Organizado por Women’s Centre of Calgary Sabado de 11:30 am a 4:30 pm Boletos en EVENTBRITE Join us on the Tsuut’ina Nation for their annual powwow celebration and experience the beautiful culture of the Indigenous people in Treaty 7. All women welcome. Transportation and snacks provided. We will meet at the Women’s Centre at 11:15 am and go together as a group. We will be back at the Women’s Centre at 4:30pm. All women-identified people are welcome to join us.Children are permitted, but they must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. This event is now full. Email [email protected] if you would like to be added to the wait list in case of cancellations. Pow Wow Ettiquette Powwows are a time of celebration, building relationships, friendships and respect. Expect to see a lot of families and to hear of a lot of laughter and cheering! Be respectful. “To be respectful — perhaps more respectful than is the case right now.” Do not touch or go near the drum. Leave space in between chairs after every 10 chairs in the powwow circle “10 chairs, and a space, 10 chairs”. Do not be on your phone the whole time. Come early, bring chairs, and a cooler for food and drink, a blanket to have handy when the evening cools down — and enjoy what is happening in the moment.” If you would like to take a picture of a participant, ask permission first. “Along with respect for dancers’ space, people should also show respect by not taking pictures of them without asking permission first.” Powwow etiquette by Pamela Beebe, community leader, University of Calgary’s Indigenous cultural education and protocol specialist taken from “How to attend a powwow, in a good way” https://ucalgary.ca/utoday/issue/2018-08-08/howattend-powwow-good-way]]>